Air service development plan in District Panimbang, Banten Selatansepertinya was nearing its final stage. Regent Pandeglang, Erwan Kurtubimengatakan that he strongly supports the development of service Panimbang yangrencananya start in 2016 as it will stir rodaekonomi surrounding communities (Kompas, June 15 2010).

Meanwhile Banten Governor Ratu Atut as saying that he strongly supports the development BandaraUdara in Panimbang with the terms of land acquisition for the airport location tersebutharus free of legal issues (interactive Tempo, June 13, 2010). Meanwhile, on the other Mukson Fathoni Toni as saying that one of these airports alasanpembangunan is to facilitate the handling of the disaster, karenadisekitar Panimbang is a flood-prone area (Kompas, June 15, 2010).

Dilainpihak, Aah Maulany Head Bapeda Pandeglang said that one efekdari construction of the airport is the number of small shops which shall be appearing on the construction of the airport (FBnews, August 20, 2010).
Frankly, of all the statements mentioned above, has not been able to explain in detail adayang will be real benefits of development in the district BandaraUdara Panimbang. Some officials have ever wawancaraisecara random about the construction of the airport said that the pembangunanbandara will bring great benefit to the development of tourism in South diBanten. Is that right..? For that, armed with little pengalamansaya ever wrestle in the national aviation industry, I akanmembedah one by one the reasons given honorable officials.
The economic rationale behind the development of airports in Panimbang indeed masihdebatable, how not to expose the positive value of the ekonomibanyak factors that should be used as a benchmark for the achievement of the targets to be achieved hasilkeuntungan. Basic economic theory says that sesuatubidang businesses who want to do is to grab keuntungansebesar as possible, whether it gains material or non-material gains. Jikakeuntungan material to be achieved, are counting how besarlama capital will be returned is in conformity with that will be launched ..? karenamodal to be used is the local government funds and
Budget implanted dalamBUMD Banten Global $ 1 trillion for the initial funding, it should danatersebut to be a 'little' known by the people of Banten. As for efekdari socio-cultural changes surrounding communities as a result of the existence of bandaraudara should be considered carefully.
Aay opinion which says that would be a lot of small stalls that may appear on the existence of the airport was very naive and too shallow. Contohkasus presence International Airport Soekarno-Hatta, whether sudahmemberikan a decent place for the existence of small stalls belonging wargapribumi around Cengkareng ..? Is there a native of Cengkareng memilikiwarung or outlets in the area or around the outer UdaraSoekarno-Hatta Airport ..? except for local residents only motorcycle taxis motorcycle danporter alias 'bearers' at the airport as well as being yangterus hawkers were chased and play 'cat and mouse' in the parking area around terminalBandara Soekarno-Hatta.
Reason economic factors with the construction of the airport are sebagaikatalisator development for South Banten lebihdalam presumably must still be reviewed, because Banten province itself has Soekarno-Hatta diTangerang which can still be optimized for economic development Bantendan South Banten course. Not to mention have their diTangerang Pondok Cabe Airport South is also still included in the administrative area ProvinsiBanten which can also be optimized for the accelerated development of BantenSelatan which has geographical proximity to the Lebak region.As a pioneering effort airport development, it is proper apabilapemerintah Banten province were ill-advised various domino effect which shall be incurred on the construction of the pioneer service. Various count-hitunganharus careful to note. Whether by pioneering label, the government is already getting operators who want to serve rutetersebut ...? Do feasibility surrounding communities can reach tiketuntuk prices low in that region with a population that is minimal in daerahtersebut ..?
Experience of the author who served in one of the flight carrier in Indonesia, looking for air passengers to cover the aircraft load factor apalagisebagai part of the airport pioneering no easy matter. Apakahoperator that it will fly the route would be the 'rabbit' s percobaandengan open every day ..? And as we all know, the number of tourists who come to visit Tanjung Lesung and PulauUmang are guests with characteristic week end or in other words hanyadatang over the weekend.
For comparison, Tana Torajasebagai national tourist destination, until now the existence Airports Pontikuhanya able flown by two small airline from Makassar and Balikpapanyang still be subsidized by local governments that rose masihkesulitan encompass passenger load factor to cover aircraft. Do sampaikeberadaan airports in Panimbang reap the same results.
South-South Strip
Various potential and sights that lie in the south path Bantenmerupakan quality manikam waiting polish various parties to dapatdioptimalkan. Starting from the west coast of Anyer and Carita connect keTanjung Dimples. However, obstacles will arise when the tourists have arrived diTanjung Dimples, the tourists must be rerouted through Cibaliung untukdapat to the Well as a transit port to Peucang, Panaitan danHandeleum. Actually lane road from Tanjung Lesung mulaidirintis to wells already in the budget yesterday. Potential if perintisini more lanes can be accelerated in order to cut the amount of time wasted. Belumlagi other tourist infrastructure of wells towards bayah through selatanyang is still cause for concern. Plus the travel lane toward Ciboleger dariLeuwidamar whose fate also Tweedledum and Tweedledee apabiladihubungkan with travel paths through Mount Kencana.
If only the government would seriously little to promote tourism, promote economic growth, foster small traders, already selayaknyapemerintah haarus focused and more targeted in their policy yangpro pro-people and not on the ground realtor or contractor pencariproyek pro at the moment.
Air service development plan should be a pioneer in Panimbang ditinjauulang. Judging from various aspects, the construction of the airport is not worth bilaberalasan for economic acceleration, disaster or small menumbuhkanpedagang ..?Path and where terminals are scattered in Pandeglang and Labuan is still cause for concern. Sudahselayaknya, the priorities are more geared to road repairs danpembukaan new path that more needed and port development perintisdi District wells are centers of economic acceleration in the region selatan.Sebab taking into account the proximity of Soekarno-Hatta hanyabeberapa kilometers of South Banten extremely naive when it should be built bandaraserupa though still stub .... Do not let the airport sudahjadi, even just cows and goats are a permanent resident.It is feared by digelontorkannya trillions of rupiah to fund the construction of an airport sebuahgengsi then ignore the development priorities lainyang actually needed by the people in South Banten.
*) Author: former Branch Manager Citilink Garuda Indonesia Makassar.